Tuesday, October 17, 2006


Outside the market we went to, there were lots of rickshaw runners hanging around waiting for punters. They were super fit after pulling all those plump tourists around. Over breakfast, before we went to the markets, for some reason I was trying to explain the concept of the 'camel toe' to Yasu, my friend Julia's Japanese boyfriend. First try explaining what a camel is, then how that links to the phenomenon of the 'camel toe'. It went from bad to worse, and ended up with lots of pointing and blushing. I didn't really get the whole point across. Yasu smiled politely and bowed his head. It kinda fizzled out and I gave up. Imagine my joy, when we chanced upon the rickshaw boys. Look at their footwear. By the end of the day, Yasu could use the term 'camel toe' correctly and with ease. A happy ending, no?

Street lamps seem to be different wherever you go. I have a mild fascination with them (which I guess may become apparent in future blogs). Some of the Japanese ones where really pretty. Like this one......

I am guessing that the leaves are maple? They lined the markets. I think they were symbolic of something. Autumn I suppose. They were really cheerful against the blue sky in the eyes of Pod.

You can see them all along the tops of the market stalls here. You can also see the volume of stalls, and hence may get an idea of how hard it was to look properly and not buy everything!

There were all sorts of things to buy. I did buy a lucky waving cat that you see everywhere in Japan, and at the door of businesses to bring good fortune. However, I only bought a small one that didn't have the moving arm. And now of course, I want one. Kitty?

More masks, and even wigs (which also seem to catch my eye, whether in a shop or on someone's head. Sometimes I cannot help but stare, and often have to make a huge effort to curb the immense urge I get to accidentally on purpose pull them off!)

Sweets of all kinds.....

And I mean all kinds! As with the dolls in the junkshop, I am sure that these were arranged so that the looks on their faces told some sort of story (you know you can click on the photos to make them bigger don't you). Highlighting again, the incredible eye for detail, and importance of appearance.

These funny people were wandering around signing autographs too. They remind me of someone, but I can thinketh not who (Cher?). They are famous singers in Japanese musicals.

OK, hope you all enjoyed your stroll around a Tokyo market!


Blogger Steve Reed said...

Camel toe! HA! I can't even imagine trying to explain that in another language and culture. You are a brave man.

11:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Pod! I am enjoying the Tokyo series! I have a fascination with streetlamps too - and they are different wherever you go, and I love the old and/or exotic ones. Unfortunately, here in the US, we have some of the ugliest streetlamps on the planet. Some of my favorites were in Florence Italy. Gee, I just found another reason to expatriate!

12:47 AM  
Blogger Inconsequential said...



4:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

very enjoyable to follow your Tokyo venture.


8:05 AM  
Blogger rockmother said...

Hey Podster! Loving all the Tokyo photo's - the colours and the graffiti and the signage and and and - I love it all. Thank you. Romo x

8:22 AM  
Blogger ramblingwoman said...

OK, I'm not sure how I felt about those sweets/cakes in the shape of breasts!!!!! but with the images of rather young women behind them. Maybe it's a good thing. Just WHO would buy them though? Are they jokes? Am I being too serious about this? Should I shut up?

Were those maples fake then? What a shame, they looked beautiful.

I'm afraid I have no idea what a camel toe is Pod. Should I google it? Should I? Or was it just the shoe? (I hardly dare ask in case I embarrass myself with complete ignorance). I thought those 'rickshaw' men had fine figures, enjoyed that, thanks.

4:47 PM  
Blogger Pod said...

STEVE - it was a definite feat for sure!

JD - glad you are liking the tokyo series. i am getting a bit bored but there is more to come! ugly streetlamps can be pretty in the right light. i will show you one day. think the obsession started with the lion,the witch and the wardrobe, with the lamp near mr tumnus's house..

INC + JAZZY - big smiles back!!

RoMo - i guess i can call you that now? don't thank me thank, the Lord!! nice to see your funny self again x

RW - no! no! never shut up (well not until further notice). if you think the boob sweets are bad, you would be disturbed perhaps to hear that not long ago, you could buy used undies from vending machines! further additions to their strangeness. the sweets are just a joke. i am sure you have seen willy chocolates before, if not had a lick? maples were fake :( fit rickshaw boys weren't ;0P
and yes....google 'camel toe' tee hee

7:07 PM  
Blogger Identikit said...

Well, I don't eat cakes but well, I might be tempted, RW!!!

And yes, Pod I shall add it to my list of things. I can see I will have to pay an excess luggage allowance.


8:18 AM  
Blogger Pod said...

kitty - just leave all your old clothes there love (except your nightie), then you can squeeze all my requets in, thank you x

2:24 PM  
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