Taken in Tokyo, I jumped up and down when I chanced upon this, and no other vehicles stopped at the lights. You can see it bigger here

Taken in Tokyo, I jumped up and down when I chanced upon this, and no other vehicles stopped at the lights. You can see it bigger here
That's so funny! Is that a brand name, I wonder? And what's that other word? DUNE? RUNE? PRUNE?
I like that his jacket mentions "imitation" and he's stopped on a motorcycle next to a little drawing of...a cycle.
FARKin hot grading P to the O to the D!!
Beautiful moment captured on film (or digitally, I guess). I have lots of pics taken seconds AFTER a beautiful moment. Your timing is delicious. Bravo!
His image uncool,
Dressed like a fool,
His wheels unchic,
Poor guys a geek...
No one will imitate,
So we now know his fate.
Right place, right time.
Right guy for the job.
Ah Pod you've done it again! This is such a fantastic find - glad you managed to catch it. Sometimes it's all about a split second...
vrooom vrooom
Look who's talking; no, honestly, look. From where does that caption bubble emerge? And while we're on the subject of originating sources, from where did you take this picture?
"Dutch or Duck," that's thre real question.
That's just awesome.
Great compostion! Lucky eye for seeing it ; )
as a cyclist I would say: Never ever cross my line!
Great shot!!!
click here
Wow - awesome shot, man! So graphic! You were at the right place at the right time.
Thanks for getting on my case about not posting enough - I find it tough to go out in the cold and shoot! I think your shots are great and it's cool to know that you're checking mine. Later, dude.
Ohhh I do like a good graphic geometry! Especially when there's a person involved. A person on a MOTORCYCLE. Or a moped (I've never been good at vehicle identification).
You lucky Pod, you. Nice catch.
What's up with Letty and the singing mouse?
Pod - that's a photo of a man on a scooter in an empty street. It's grey and white and yellow. It's a nice photo as photos go.
But...I can't get designer poncy about it. What am I missing that everyone else is raving about?
Maybe it's the wine? I can't see anymore. Sorry love.
lmfao Wendy! I can't see the photo unless I click on it to enlarge it! It's just a box with a cross in it otherwise.
I like it though. In a country that is so fantastic at imitating (and improving) I like that guys 'individuality' (I think)
STEVE - i have no idea what it is. probably a clothing store??
SIMON - i don't think i have ever seen a giant sexual 'no entry 'sign. if i have, i ignored it! ;0)
THOMP! - you leave the best comments!!
REYA - oh i have many of those too, i just got lucky x
INC - and i am also lucky to have my own person ? scribe
JAY - hello again! long time no see
NATHALIE - as so many things are! ;0)
HEATER - cough cough
JA - i took it from an overpass in shibuya, tokyo. dutch or duck? what you talkin 'bout willis??
MA - thanks love ;0)
ZIPPY - hello!! been fling mops recently?
RATZ - cheers maaaaate
LETTY - at first i thought 'ahh' ain't she sweet, til i realised that i got the cheapo fake 2 dollar version....hmmmpf!! ;0p
JOEL - get your coat on and get out there!! your public needs you!!
JC - i am useless too, and furthermore i care not!! ;0)
LORI - thank ye!!
WENDZ - i dont know hat they're all on about either. pour us a glass ;0)
RW - ah i didnt make that connection. you are clever int ya?
this is a great capture .. the color contrast looks really cool, love the yellow on dark gray
I love this picture...the lines, the color. Nice shot...what a good timing! This is my first time here and I am looing forward to what you will do next.
looky here. wow! nice capture.
Hi Pod, See I really do leave you comments! Love this image!
see ya soon - pod lover (Fee)
Love this image.
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